
Cosmology, Astrology and Astronomy are inextricable on Prasinos. It is generally understood that the gods are out there, and very few people would contend that the positions of the stars and planets play no role in everyday life.

Some interpretations of cosmology go so far as to argue that the patterns made by the positions of the stars and planets literally are the gods, and that the names and characters we know them by are only aspects of beings much more complex than we could understand.

The common person makes little distinction between the idea of outer gods and local gods and would simply refer to most of the entities catalogued here as “gods”.

Outer gods are supernatural beings who primarily exist outside Prasinos and who seem to communicate across great distances with their followers on Prasinos, or who are known to exist on Prasinos as Avatars1).

Bahamut is a well known outer god. His true nature is unclear but he appears in visions and dreams. In the rare occasion that one encounters Bahamut in person, they would most likely be encountering an avatar; if that avatar were destroyed Bahamut himself would continue to exist.

While it is possible for an outer god to be destroyed or otherwise disappear, this is only known to have happened by being usurped by other outer gods. It is not generally assumed that a mortal could pose a fatal threat to an outer god.

Local gods are supernatural beings or in some cases ascended natural beings who exist on Prasinos. These entities may have been placed on Prasinos for some purpose by an outer god, or ascended mortality through exposure to unique circumstances.

Coriander is an example of a well known local god. He physically inhabits the body of a wolf, and appears to have become immortal by a boon from Correlon. While he is ageless it is presumed that if that body were destroyed, Coriander would cease to exist.


Prasinos is an Earth-like planet with two moons and an exaggerated elliptical orbit, and very little axial tilt. Because of the low axial tilt, days on Prasinos are generally the same length year round, with sunrise and sunset times influenced by your position on the surface; the sun rises and sets at 6am and 6pm at the equator, and neither rises nor sets at all at the poles.

The solstices in the Prasinos calendar represent the extremes of the orbit rather than the longest or shortest days, and the equinoxes are the points halfway through the orbit where the distance to the sun is equal.

Its seasons are a function of distance from the sun, so unlike Earth the north and south hemispheres experience seasons the same way.

There are six planets in Prasinos's system, in order from the sun: Mathis, Atrode, Prasinos, Wan, Botrede, and Centa.

Constellations associated with the Ring of Dragon tend to be most visible in the southern hemisphere, and the Ring of Aspect is most visible from the north.


Outer Gods

Gods who originate outside of Prasinos are referred to commonly as Outer Gods. There are countless gods in the universe, but only a few have strong ties to Prasinos. These are known to locals to varying degrees.

The Prasinian pantheon consists of two sets of gods, known as the Ring of Aspect and the Ring of Dragon.

Bahamut and Tiamat exist as the heads of their respective halves of the Ring of Dragon, and are also considered members of the Ring of Aspect. Other than those two, the affairs of the rings rarely intersect - to the degree that members of the two rings often have overlapping domains with no conflict.

Local Gods

Gods and godlike beings who are local

Arcana Prasino

The Arcana Prasino are a fortune-telling tool which use the images of the Prasinian pantheon as well as their associated symbols to communicate ideas to be interpreted by the reader.

Each card represents two entities who are considered in opposition, or an entity and their season in the case of the six seasonal gods. The orientation of the card when drawn determines whether to read it as one or the other.

The Square of Seasons

The Square of Seasons is a type of astrological chart that correlates Prasinos' position in the sky at different times of year with the positions of the constellations representing each of the exogods.

For gods on the Ring of Aspect, each is correlated with a month or season. The gods on the Ring of Dragon divide the year into ten thirty-six day periods, skipping the 4th of each festival.

Depending on the time and circumstances of ones birth, each person has 2-4 godsigns, which are thought to impact their life in the following ways:

  • Primary Godsign: Has the most direct influence on a person's internal life and is thought to influence their temperament.
  • Secondary Godsign: Has the most influence on a person's destiny and the external circumstances of their life, such as how they are perceived and treated.
  • Tertiary Godsign: Assists or inhibits the primary godsign, depending on the relationships of these gods.
  • Quaternary Godsign: Assists or inhibits the secondary godsign, depending on the relationships of these gods.

There are four categories of signs:

  • Hemispherical Signs: Tiamat for Autumn and Winter, Bahamut for Spring and Summer.
  • Seasonal Signs: Melora for Spring, Pelor for Summer, Sehanine for Autumn and The Raven Queen for Winter.
  • Month Signs: One deity from the Ring of Aspect per month.
  • Dragon Signs: One deity from the Ring of Dragon, arranged in 10 36-day periods.

The Square of Seasons illustrates both rings of the Prasinian Pantheon, and is used as a fortune-telling tool across many cultures.

This version shows the Ring of Dragon as an inlaid circle over the Ring of Aspect, which is arranged as the main square.

Any person born outside of a festival should have four signs. Those born inside festivals will not have seasonal signs, but still fall into the previous or next month's signs, as well as having hemisphere signs and dragon signs.

Anyone born on the a solstice has no dragon sign, and no season sign, and instead takes both adjacent month signs and a hemisphere sign, for a total of three.

Anyone born on an equinox will have neither a dragon sign, season sign or hemisphere sign. These people take both adjacent months and have only two signs.

The Astrological Ring of Aspect


The Raven Queen







The Astrological Ring of Dragon

Season of Sun (Growfest 5 - Brewfest 3)
Sign Season Begins Ends
Kugutha Growfest 5 Flocktime 5
Hlal Flocktime 6 Wealsun 13
Bahamut Wealsun 14 Reaping 15
Garyx (Gold) Reaping 16 Goodmonth 23
Kereska Goodmonth 24 Brewfest 3
Season of Void (Brewfest 5 - Growfest 3)
Sign Season Begins Ends
Precious Brewfest 5 Ready'reat 5
Null Ready'reat 6 Sunsebb 13
Tiamat Sunsebb 14 Fireseek 15
Garyx (Red) Fireseek 16 Readying 23
Darling Readying 24 Growfest 3
An Avatar is a representation of an entity that does not enclose their entire being.