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Local Gods
Gods and godlike beings who are local
Son of Melora and Corellon, The Heart of Hunger
A gigantic wolf with six eyes. Protector of the circle of life, patron of hunters. Wanders the wilderness in Liarry.
Knight of the Raven Queen and heir to the Dragon's Roost
A mortal lobster who pledged service to The Raven Queen and was blessed by Parr Faustus. He has become 42 tons of starmetal and maintains the dread aura that emanates from Dragon's Roost, in the Frozen Oasis. Under his watch, the creatures of the Frozen Oasis thrive in relative peace although the aura remains a danger to most others.
Daughter of Kord and Moradin.
A rhinoceros covered in shifting tattoos who works to protect small, tightly knit communities. She tramples paths connecting small towns, and the dust she kicks up seeds rainclouds and nourishes crops.
Daughter of Melora and Corellon, Observer of All
A gigantic wolf with three eyes. Patron of neutrality, passive appreciation of the web of life, destiny. Able to manifest anywhere untouched by artifice.
The Living Dungeon, The Dungeon God Considers itself the body of the world. The veins of minerals in the planet's crust are its blood, and it yearns to unite it all near its heart under Outland.
The Waking Isle
Spawn of Melora and Glittergold, Patron of Seafarers
An island that is thought to lay somewhere in the Storm Figure. A pet that was put on Prasinos by Melora to keep her children safe from the sea’s changing moods. Especially interested in protecting those who throw themselves to the mercy of the sea.
The Isle seeks out mortals to play with and grows restless in times when there is little adventure on the sea.
Daughter of the Raven Queen and Asmodeus, the Scourge of Sorcerers
A bird-like devil who metes gruesome punishments to people who seek arcane power - especially necromancers.
Amassed an army of sahuagin in 106-107NE and took them to battle against Duar in 106NE and Allento in 107NE. She was slain along with her entire invasion force at Allento by an army of triton and undead led by Heron Sunstar.
Offspring of Asmodaeus and Zehir
Santanafensmorderdondactyl is twenty snakes. Demigod patron of assasination, betrayal, subterfuge and usurpers.