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Ring of Aspect
Proper NameCommon NameAffiliation
The Temple of Her Divine ProvenanceAvandorsAvandra DMG
The House of Her Broken HeartBroken HeartsAvandra DMG
The Church of Melora Melorans Melora DMG
Adherents to the Reaper King - Nerull DMG
Ring of Dragon
Proper NameCommon NameAffiliation
Platinum Legion Legionnaires Bahamut DMG
Flight of Gold - Garyx the Gold DMG
The Chromatic FlightCult of ChaosTiamat DMG
The Red Horde - Garyx the Red DMG
The Inner Ring
Proper NameCommon NameAffiliation
The Circle of Stona - Stona DMG
Serpentine AssassinsTrue BelieversSantanafensmorderdondactyl DMG