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Homebrew race for D&D 5th edition by Dick Jarvis

I made a wreck out of my hand
I put it through the wall
I made a fist and not a plan
Call me a reckless wrecking ball

- Mother Mother, Wrecking Ball

Makigai are the denizens of the Tidal Kingdom, an archipelago in the southern quarter of Arcadia. They resemble massive, lumbering snails who are most comfortable in the shallow oceans of their home - but can make capable adventurers on land as well.

In ancient times, some Makigai were employed by other nations as living siege weapons. In the modern day, however, they show little concern for the outside world.

Tidal Royalty

Makigai society is ruled by a monarchy, their central city sprawls out of the ocean and onto the various islands littering their kingdom. Most Makigai are content with a quiet, peaceful life within the archipelago, serving their country in quiet dignity. They are reserved, sensible snails who do not usually invite the complications of the big, wide world into their lives.

Thirst for adventure

While most Makigai do not become adventurers, those who do set out to adventure with Gusto. Makigai adventurers need no more motivation than to see all there is to see. They take in every aspect other cultures are willing to share (especially food).

Wrecking Balls

Their limitless strength is particularly effective against targets which don’t move. Makigai are notorious for their (sometimes accidental) destruction of property. This reputation is not unearned, but misrepresents the control they have over their strength.

Makigai Names

Makigai keep their names short and simple, usually with only 1 or 2 syllables. Nobility in their society will have longer names, and often include their first initials casually.

Names: Kaito, Manami, Mei, Oni, Rio, Sho, Mio

Makigai Traits

Your Makigai character shares the following Traits with all other Makigai.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 3, and your Dexterity score decreases by -1.

Age. Makigai mature slowly, reaching adulthood at around 40 years of age. They usually live to be 300 years old, but some live well past that age.

Alignment. Makigai make for chaotic, destructive adventurers who usually try to do good in the world.

Size. Makigai are, on average, 8 feet tall. Makigai are incredibly heavy, and can weigh anywhere from 500lbs to several tons. Your size is barely Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet, and your swimming speed is 0.

Snail climbing. You have a climbing speed of 5 feet. While climbing, you can move up, down, and across vertical surfaces and upside-down on ceilings while leaving your hands free.

Like a Rock. While submerged in water, you can make a DC15 Athletics check at the beginning of your turn. On a success, you remain in position. On a failure, you begin sinking.

While sinking your movement speed is reduced to 0, and you sink at a rate of 40 feet per round.

If you reach the bottom of a body of water, you can walk along a solid surface with a movement speed of 30, and your Snail Climbing also increases to 30 feet.

Amphibious. You can breathe air and water.

Powerful Build. You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.

Wrecking Ball. You double any melee damage you deal to objects or structures.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Tidal.