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phb:cosmology:overview [2022/11/28 05:53] – [Cosmology] docphb:cosmology:overview [2025/02/22 07:05] (current) – [The Square of Seasons] doc
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 Some interpretations of cosmology go so far as to argue that the patterns made by the positions of the stars and planets literally are the gods, and that the names and characters we know them by are only aspects of beings much more complex than we could understand. Some interpretations of cosmology go so far as to argue that the patterns made by the positions of the stars and planets literally are the gods, and that the names and characters we know them by are only aspects of beings much more complex than we could understand.
-The common person makes little distinction between the idea of exogods and endogods and would simply refer to most of the entities catalogued here as "gods" but for the purposes of classification the scholarly definitions are used here.+The common person makes little distinction between the idea of outer gods and local gods and would simply refer to most of the entities catalogued here as "gods".
-[[phb:cosmology:exogods|Exogods]] are supernatural beings who primarily exist outside Prasinos and who seem to communicate across great distances with their followers on Prasinos, or who are known to exist on Prasinos as Avatars((An Avatar is a representation of an entity that does not enclose their entire being.)).+[[phb:cosmology:exogods|Outer gods]] are supernatural beings who primarily exist outside Prasinos and who seem to communicate across great distances with their followers on Prasinos, or who are known to exist on Prasinos as Avatars((An Avatar is a representation of an entity that does not enclose their entire being.)).
-[[phb:exogods:bahamut|Bahamut]] is a well known exogod. His true nature is unclear but he appears in visions and dreams. In the rare occasion that one encounters Bahamut in person, they would most likely be encountering an avatar; if that avatar were destroyed Bahamut himself would continue to exist.+[[phb:exogods:bahamut|Bahamut]] is a well known outer god. His true nature is unclear but he appears in visions and dreams. In the rare occasion that one encounters Bahamut in person, they would most likely be encountering an avatar; if that avatar were destroyed Bahamut himself would continue to exist.
-While it is possible for an exogod to be destroyed or otherwise disappear, this is only known to have happened by being usurped by other exogods. It is not generally assumed that a mortal could pose a fatal threat to an exogod.+While it is possible for an outer god to be destroyed or otherwise disappear, this is only known to have happened by being usurped by other outer gods. It is not generally assumed that a mortal could pose a fatal threat to an outer god.
-[[phb:cosmology:endogods|Endogods]] are supernatural beings or in some cases ascended natural beings who exist on Prasinos. These entities may have been placed on Prasinos for some purpose by an endogod, or ascended mortality through exposure to unique circumstances.+[[phb:cosmology:endogods|Local gods]] are supernatural beings or in some cases ascended natural beings who exist on Prasinos. These entities may have been placed on Prasinos for some purpose by an outer god, or ascended mortality through exposure to unique circumstances.
-[[phb:endogods:coriander|Coriander]] is an example of a well known endogod. He physically inhabits the body of a wolf, and appears to have become immortal by a boon from [[phb:exogods:correlon|Correlon]]. While he is ageless it is presumed that if that body were destroyed, Coriander would cease to exist.+[[phb:endogods:coriander|Coriander]] is an example of a well known local god. He physically inhabits the body of a wolf, and appears to have become immortal by a boon from [[phb:exogods:correlon|Correlon]]. While he is ageless it is presumed that if that body were destroyed, Coriander would cease to exist.
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 =====Astrology===== =====Astrology=====
-====The Prasinian Pantheon==== 
 {{page>phb:cosmology:exogods}} {{page>phb:cosmology:exogods}}
 {{page>phb:cosmology:endogods}} {{page>phb:cosmology:endogods}}
 ====The Square of Seasons==== ====The Square of Seasons====
 <WRAP group> <WRAP group>
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 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
-===The Ring of Aspect=== +===The Astrological Ring of Aspect=== 
-===The Ring of Dragon=== +<WRAP group> 
-{{tablelayout?rowsHeaderSource=Auto&colwidth="100px,150px,150px,100px,150px,150px"}} +<WRAP column 190px> 
-^  Season of Sun (Growfest 5 - Brewfest 3)                                ||^  Season of Void (Brewfest 5 - Growfest 3)                                ||| +{{tablelayout?rowsHeaderSource=Auto&colwidth="94px,94px"}} 
-Sign Season                               Begins        Ends          Sign Season                                Begins        | Ends          +^  Winter  || 
-Kugutha                                   Growfest 5    Flocktime 5   Precious                                   Brewfest 5    Ready'reat 5  | + The Raven Queen  || 
-Hlal                                      | Flocktime 6   | Wealsun 13    Null                                       Ready'reat 6  Sunsebb 13    +|Fireseek|Avandra| 
-Bahamut                                   Wealsun 14    | Reaping 15    Tiamat                                     Sunsebb 14    Fireseek 15   +|Readying|Erathis
-Garyx (Gold)                              Reaping 16    Goodmonth 23  Garyx (Red)                                Fireseek 16   Readying 23   +|Coldeven|Lolth| 
-Kereska                                   Goodmonth 24  Brewfest 3    Darling                                    Readying 24   Growfest 3    +</WRAP> 
 +<WRAP column 190px> 
 +^  Spring  || 
 +|  Melora  |
 +<WRAP column 190px> 
 +^  Summer  || 
 + Pelor  |
 +<WRAP column 190px> 
 +^  Autumn  || 
 +|  Sehanine  || 
 +===The Astrological Ring of Dragon===
 +<WRAP group>
 +<WRAP half column>
 +^  Season of Sun (Growfest 5 - Brewfest 3)                                |||
 +| Sign Season                               | Begins        | Ends          |
 +| Kugutha                                   | Growfest 5    | Flocktime 5   |
 +| Hlal                                      | Flocktime 6   | Wealsun 13    |
 +| Bahamut                                   | Wealsun 14    | Reaping 15    |
 +| Garyx (Gold)                              | Reaping 16    | Goodmonth 23  |
 +| Kereska                                   | Goodmonth 24  | Brewfest 3    |
 +<WRAP half column>
 +^  Season of Void (Brewfest 5 - Growfest 3)                                |||
 +| Sign Season                                | Begins        | Ends          |
 +| Precious                                   | Brewfest 5    | Ready'reat 5  |
 +| Null                                       | Ready'reat 6  | Sunsebb 13    |
 +| Tiamat                                     | Sunsebb 14    | Fireseek 15   |
 +| Garyx (Red)                                | Fireseek 16   | Readying 23   |
 +| Darling                                    | Readying 24   | Growfest 3    |