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pantheon:beep [2022/02/22 05:11] dick_jarvispantheon:beep [2022/02/22 05:31] (current) dick_jarvis
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 [{{:pantheon:beep.png?400|Beep Dancing after stealing the Wizzey Man's coat}}] [{{:pantheon:beep.png?400|Beep Dancing after stealing the Wizzey Man's coat}}]
-|Titles| Beep of Many Pockets, Beep of Hundred Handsies and 'Fousand Fingies, Beep; Queen of Thieves, Beep; Chiefest of Brudder | +|Titles| Beep of Many Pockets, Beep of Hundred Handsies and 'Fousand Fingies, Beep; Queen of Thieves, Beep; Chiefest of Brudders |
 |Home Plane| Praefell Rift |  |Home Plane| Praefell Rift |
 |Alignment| CN | |Alignment| CN |
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 Beep is often depicted as an average-looking Brudder, many of her legends and tales having her rely on her inconspicuous look in order to fool her enemies.  Beep is often depicted as an average-looking Brudder, many of her legends and tales having her rely on her inconspicuous look in order to fool her enemies. 
 +She wears a coat with an unlimited number of pockets.
 ====Relationships==== ====Relationships====
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 ====Temples==== ====Temples====
-Places of worship which are established in places where Beep is outlawed are small, secret, and tucked away. They can occupy a space as small as the hollow of a missing brick in a wall, or tucked away in a backroom closet.+Places of worship which are established where Beep is outlawed are small, secret, and tucked away. They can occupy a space as small as the hollow of a missing brick in a wall, or tucked away in a backroom closet.
-Alternatively, Beep's temples which are established in places where Beep reigns are flamboyantcovered with colored fabrics, surrounded by live music, and bursting with golden offerings. They are often outdoors, easily seen and accessible (like in the middle of town square).+Alternatively, Beep's temples which are established in places where Beep reigns are flamboyantcovered with colored fabrics, surrounded by live music, and bursting with golden offerings. They are often outdoors, easily seen and accessible (like in the middle of town square).
 ====Rituals==== ====Rituals====
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 As the apprentice finishes the coat, Beep pesters them with pointed questions about it's design, stoking their anxiety about failing their master. She demands to know how they can tell the labyrinth is truly unsolvable if all they can see is the entrance. As the apprentice finishes the coat, Beep pesters them with pointed questions about it's design, stoking their anxiety about failing their master. She demands to know how they can tell the labyrinth is truly unsolvable if all they can see is the entrance.
-The Apprentices, fearing her words, double check their work by turning the pocket of the coat inside out. The limitless halls of the labyrinth turn to limitless pockets, which lead to one large store room. At this, Beep escapes her cage, stealing the coat from the apprentice and escaping the Wizzey Man once again.+The Apprentices, fearing her words, double checks their work by turning the pocket of the coat inside out. The limitless halls of the labyrinth turn to limitless pockets, which lead to one large store room. At this, Beep escapes her cage, stealing the coat from the apprentice and escaping the Wizzey Man once again.
 From this adventure, Beep gained her iconic Coat of Many Pockets. From this adventure, Beep gained her iconic Coat of Many Pockets.
pantheon/beep.1645506664.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/22 05:11 by dick_jarvis

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