A year in Arcadia is 355 days. These days make up ten months, each month corresponding to a Planar Well and consisting of 35 days each, and a 5-day gap week at the beginning of the new year. Every new year, in conjunction with the Planar Well offset and the cycle of Arcadia's 5 moons, the year swaps it's cycle from either the Mine or Fury cycles. ---- ====Gap Week==== **Planar Weather Effect:** Mild Weather. **Gap Week 1** - New Year's Day, [[pantheon:beep|Festival of Feeves]] (Lasts until end of Gap week), [[pantheon:neukvro_evr|Foundation]], [[pantheon:wrywall|Intake Examinations]], [[pantheon:zudes|Feast of Cheats]] ---- ====Twins==== **Planar Weather Effect:** The Red, Red Lighting storm forms, rolling across the ring until the month’s end, at which point the Red, Red Lightning strikes. **Twins 1** - Storm Chasing Day **Twins 5** - [[pantheon:neukvro_ak|Day of Forges]] ---- ====Fantasia==== **Planar Weather Effect:** The various weather effects carry music throughout nature. Rain drops sound like strings, the wind like woodwork instruments, waves like drums, etc… ---- ====Bahamut==== **Planar Weather Effect:** Celestial Objects are visually warped by space, appearing much larger or smaller than they actually are. Otherwise Mild Weather. ---- ====Suns==== **Planar Weather Effect:** Light becomes sluggish. Day and night are separated by an hour of twilight. ---- ====Fairies==== **Planar Weather Effect:** Plant growth increases. Flowers bloom, pollen and insects fill the air. ---- ====Abyss==== **Planar Weather Effect:** Water runs an inky black; The eyes of the stars open, ready to observe. The wind blows with a chill, and leaves fall from the trees. ---- ====Praefell==== **Planar Weather Effect:** The strength of the spell weave increases, and its presence can be seen by the naked eye. Colourful rivers of arcane energy flow through the sky. ---- ====Dwarves==== **Planar Weather Effect:** The wind blows cold, and snow falls. During the month of Dwarves, Volcanic activity dramatically increases. ---- ====Cosmos==== **Planar Weather Effect:** The light of the day is warm and comforting. The weather becomes mild and clear. ---- ====Elements==== **Planar Weather Effect:** Temperature extremes increase. The hot days are much hotter, and the cold days are freezing. **Elements 35** - New Year's Eve