All worshipers of Avandra fundamentally believe that all good things come to those who appreciate the gifts She has given the world although they have different perspectives about how best to show their appreciation.
In the ancient world, tribute was mostly paid to Her by wanderers. Roadside shrines were the most common sites to commemorate the vagabond goddess. Over time, a world of adventurers and heroes elevated Her to the level of a world goddess whose influence eclipsed all except the most powerful gods.
The House of Her Broken Heart believe that Avandra has turned Her back on Prasinos and that the deity worshiped by The Temple of Her Divine Provenance is false. According to Broken Hearts, the vagabond goddess blessed Prasinos with three miracles and was spurned three times. This led Her to abandon Prasinos, and Her protection of adventurers and wanderers only persists through Her children.
The Broken Hearts seek to win back Her attention by proving their penance. They eschew the pleasures of the world and pledge themselves to protecting those who have gone without Avandra's protection.
In New Home they run homes for demi-humans who they see as pathetic creatures failed by a cursed world.