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Homebrew race for D&D 5th edition by Dick Jarvis

Meomau hail from the eastern Rainforests, an area of the world prone to heavy, seasonal flooding. As a result, Meomau have adapted for hunting and surviving both in the trees, and in the water. While some Meomau continue their lives in the rainforest, forming small hunting and fishing communities, others have answered the call of civilization, travelling to densely-packed urban areas and making their way in life through the rat race.

Practical in Approach

Meomau are simultaneously creative, playful thinkers and also straightforward in their approach to problem solving. Creativity is an act they enjoy, but is still a means to an end - and that end is usually a fish on a spear.

This combination of traits helps Meomau come across as endearing, amicable, and helpful - they often serve as guides through dangerous territory, and do business with those outside their community without friction. They are a boon as adventuring companions, able to assess the solution a situation calls for and intuit when it is appropriate to take action.

Country and City

Meomau who continue the traditional way of life, hunting and fishing in the rainforest, develop striking colours; dark black stripes against bright orange fur. The white hairs on their bodies, which are long and hollow, house a harmless algae which grows a brighter shade of green as the host ages. Meomau from the city have, after a few generations, lost these striking colours and are usually a simple combination of brown and white.

A priestess of the king_fisher

Meomau Names

Meomau names are decided when an individual is in their infancy; children are assigned names based on the first vocalizations they latch onto. It is often babbling that is formalized by their parents into a name. In rare circumstances, young Meomau adopt the name of one of their parents if they are unable to “find” their name.

Names: Crawr, Arour, Blem, Nyan, Blib Creek, Maro, Hraw, Row, Maru, Mnawm

Meomau Traits

All Meomau share the following Traits.

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.

Age. Meomau grow quickly, reaching maturity at 10 years old and seldom live longer than 50 years.


Size. Meomau vary in height and build, usually between 5 and 7 feet and weighing a few hundred pounds. Your size is Medium.

Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet, you have a swimming speed of 30 feet, and you have a climbing speed of 20 feet.

Hold Breath. You can hold your breath for up to 30 minutes at a time.

Keen Eye. Your eyes have adapted to follow targets through dense foliage. When you activate this ability as a bonus action, you gain advantage on any ranged attacks you make until the start of your next turn. You cannot use this ability again until you finish a long rest.

Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Meo. Meo is a language spoken only by Meomau, utilizing their unique vocalization range. While most other races can learn and imitate their language, they can never truly master it without the use of superhuman vocal mimicry.

Subraces. Choose one of the following two subraces, based on your origin.

Jungle Meomau

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 1.

Natural Hunter. You gain proficiency in the Perception skill.

Hunter’s Training. Meomau are taught the skills they need to survive at an early age. You gain proficiency with the Longbow and herbalism kit.

Urban Meomau

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2.

Straight Shooter. You gain proficiency in the Persuasion skill.

City Life. You gain proficiency with either an artisan’s tool of your choice or land vehicles.