Echo Pilot

You served as an Echo Pilot in wartime, learning how to connect your mind to these vehicles and maneuver in them effectively. Few people can learn to master this skill, and almost all of them are scooped up by a major military power. Echo suits are expensive pieces of equipment to construct and maintain, and few Pilots can afford them without some serious backing.

On the battlefield, they are an invaluable asset. They are large, intimidating, and pack the punch necessary to back it up. Some battles are won simply from morale loss; The enemy, seeing a squadron of Echo Suits, raises a white flag out of self-preservation. In civilian life, Veteran Echo Pilots are generally regarded as heroes or villains, with little room for nuance. Common people either revere or despise them.

Skill Proficiencies: Acrobatics, Intimidation
Tool Proficiencies: Vehicles (land)
Languages: One of your choice
Equipment: An insignia of rank, a token from a fallen comrade (Lucky Coin, letter, pressed flower, etc), a flight suit, a set of Common clothes, and a pouch containing 10 gp

Suit Model You Piloted a certain type of suit, and served a specific combat function. This is the model suit you feel most at home in.

d12Suit Model
1Gallant - Large, Melee, Land
2Vanquisher - Large, Melee, Land
3Cyclops - Huge, Melee, Land
4Valkyrie - Large, Ranged, Air
5Hedgehog - Large, Melee, Land
6Widow - Medium, Ranged, Land
7Pangolin - Large, Ranged, Land
8Hammerhead - Large, Ranged, Sea
9Kraken - Gargantuan, Melee, Sea
10Man o' War - Huge, Melee, Sea
11Corvid - Medium, Melee, Air
12Sparrow - Medium, Ranged, Air

Feature: Echo Training

You gain proficiency with Echo Suits.

Suggested Characteristics Echo Suit Pilots took the path they did while searching for excitement and adventure. But the dangers of the job were usually downplayed. Most pilots have seen the horrors of war, have lost comrades, and have suffered injuries. Pilots who retire from this career are often disillusioned, left to pick up the pieces of a broken mind. Pilots who stay connected to their suits for sustained periods of time cahn suffer from Echo Sickness. Echo Sickness is an alteration of their physical brain structure, and can cause bouts of confusion, intense emotion, or severe depression.

d8Personality Trait
1Mundane problems don’t bother me; I don’t take them seriously at all.
2I’m a little jumpy, especially at loud noises.
3I like telling stories of my exploits, and I often find people enjoy listening.
4I still live like I’m on duty; old habits die hard.
5I am very clean-cut and respectful.
6When people view me as a hero, I relish in my own bravado.
7I am slow to make friends, out of fear of losing them.
8In my dreams, I’m back in the suit. Sometimes I wake up screaming.
1Power. Piloting the suit was the most powerful I had ever felt, and I will do anything to wield that power again. (evil)
2Freedom. I am glad to be out of the suit, and there’s little anyone can do to get me back in one. (neutral)
3Security. Despite my retirement, I still intend on doing what I can to protect my country (lawful)
4Peace. Nobody should have to go through what I went through, and now I fight to make sure they won’t have to. (good)
5Suit punch good. sigh… Suit punch good. (chaotic)
6Live and Let Live. I left that life behind me. It is time I focus on what lies ahead. (any)
1I miss the camaraderie. Civilians don’t understand the pilot’s life.
2I keep tabs on the current condition of the Suit I used to pilot.
3I try to stay up to date with the news and politics.
4I will lay my life on the line to defend my comrades.
5I am proud to have served my country, and feel as though I continue to serve.
6I stayed in contact with the other veterans, and check in on them often.
1As a result of Echo Sickness, I sometimes need a reminder of where I am and what I’m supposed to be doing.
2I have a hair-trigger temper, and anything can set me off.
3I participated in an atrocity that will haunt me forever.
4I follow orders, even if I think they’re wrong.
5Putting myself in dangerous situations is second nature.
6My hatred of my enemies is blind and unreasoning.