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campaign_settings:arcadia:races:rumbums [2021/06/10 13:44] dick_jarviscampaign_settings:arcadia:races:rumbums [2023/01/19 21:50] (current) dick_jarvis
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 Some of these fetishes are universal. Every Rumbum without exception collects red octagons. This was never an issue until the invention of the stop sign, with Rumbums responsible for most rural traffic collisions. Some of these fetishes are universal. Every Rumbum without exception collects red octagons. This was never an issue until the invention of the stop sign, with Rumbums responsible for most rural traffic collisions.
-Rumbums love eating raw pumpkin. It goes beyond being their favorite food, and enters the realm of addiction. Farmers near the mountains either invest in some serious defences, or abandon the idea of growing pumpkins.+Rumbums love eating raw pumpkin. It goes beyond being their favorite food, and enters the realm of addiction. Farmers near the mountains either invest in some serious defences, or abandon the idea of growing pumpkins alltogether.
 ===== Fey Tricksters ===== ===== Fey Tricksters =====
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 **Ability Score Increase.** Your Strength score increases by 2, and your wisdom score increases by 1. **Ability Score Increase.** Your Strength score increases by 2, and your wisdom score increases by 1.
-**Age.** Rumbums have a similar lifespan as Humans, but reach adulthood at the age of five.+**Age.** Rumbums have a similar lifespan as Humans, but reach adulthood at the age of 5.
-**Alignment.** Rumbums reject the organization of society, and are normally chaoticMany Rumbums delight in tormenting others, and trend towards evil.+**Alignment.**  
 +  * 🔵 Rumbums are tricksters, their love for riddles and outsmarting others is often a defining characteristic of their personality. 
 +  * ⚫ Rumbums seek out ways to grow their collections and feed their strange appetites, and are willing to make grave sacrifices in these pursuits. 
 +  * 🔴 Rumbums are inherently creative, and while others may see their behavior as destructive they see it as just another avenue of expression. 
 +  * 🟢 Rumbums reject the organization of society, opting instead to live far from civilization, and off the provisions of the natural world.
 **Size.** Rumbums are between 7 and 8 feet tall. Their hulking, hunched bodies weigh around 600 pounds. Your size is Medium. **Size.** Rumbums are between 7 and 8 feet tall. Their hulking, hunched bodies weigh around 600 pounds. Your size is Medium.
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 **Name Revelation.** If you hear a hostile creature speak your true name, you must make a DC10 charisma saving throw. On a success, you take 2d6 psychic damage. On a failure, you are banished to the feywilds. A creature must wait 24 hours before forcing you to make this check again. If you are forced to make this check 3 times in a 24 hour period, the third time is an automatic failure. **Name Revelation.** If you hear a hostile creature speak your true name, you must make a DC10 charisma saving throw. On a success, you take 2d6 psychic damage. On a failure, you are banished to the feywilds. A creature must wait 24 hours before forcing you to make this check again. If you are forced to make this check 3 times in a 24 hour period, the third time is an automatic failure.
-**Double Axe.** Your massive forearms can be used as natural weapons. You can make unarmed strikes with a slam attack. If you hit, you deal bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier. If the target is medium size or smaller, they must make a strength saving throw, DC 10 + your strength modifier, or be knocked prone.+**Double Axe.** Your massive forearms can be used as natural weapons. You can make unarmed strikes with a slam attack. If you hit, you deal bludgeoning damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier, or 1d8 + your strength modifier when using both hands. If the target is medium size or smaller, they must make a strength saving throw, DC 10 + your strength modifier, or be knocked prone.
 **Powerful Build.** You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift. **Powerful Build.** You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the weight you can push, drag, or lift.
campaign_settings/arcadia/races/rumbums.1623332698.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/06/10 13:44 by dick_jarvis

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