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campaign_settings:arcadia:races:pseudo-manticore [2021/06/09 14:13] – created dick_jarviscampaign_settings:arcadia:races:pseudo-manticore [2023/01/17 00:24] (current) dick_jarvis
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 ====== Pseudo-Manticore ====== ====== Pseudo-Manticore ======
 +{{ :campaign_settings:arcadia:races:pseudo-manticore.png?400 |}}
 <sub>Homebrew race for D&D 5th edition by Dick Jarvis</sub> <sub>Homebrew race for D&D 5th edition by Dick Jarvis</sub>
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 ===== Cruel Origins ===== ===== Cruel Origins =====
-In ancient times, Manticores terrorized mankind. The Wizards of the Southern Well attempted to tame them through magical experiments. They sought to calm the vicious man-eaters and transform them into upstanding citizens. The results of these ancient experiments are the modern Pseudo-Manticores.+In ancient times, Manticores terrorized mankind. [[campaign_settings:arcadia:factions:the_reformation_order|The Wizards of the Southern Well]] attempted to tame them through magical experiments. They sought to calm the vicious man-eaters and transform them into upstanding citizens. The results of these ancient experiments are the modern Pseudo-Manticores.
 Many Pseudo Manticores despise society, seeing the niche they’ve been forced into as a cruel joke. Some long to regain their monstrous nature, some seek revenge on any who study magic, and others accept their fate and simply try to survive in a hostile world. Many Pseudo Manticores despise society, seeing the niche they’ve been forced into as a cruel joke. Some long to regain their monstrous nature, some seek revenge on any who study magic, and others accept their fate and simply try to survive in a hostile world.
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 ===== Insatiable Appetites ===== ===== Insatiable Appetites =====
-The most obvious train Pseudo-Manticores retained from their ancestors is their hunger. They require more food than creatures many times their size, and will go to desperate lengths to get it. Most are not above stealing or rummaging through bins, and their ability to make a meal of anything contributes to their unfair reputation as pests.+The most obvious trait Pseudo-Manticores retained from their ancestors is their hunger. They require more food than creatures many times their size, and will go to desperate lengths to get it. Most are not above stealing or rummaging through bins, and their ability to make a meal of anything contributes to their unfair reputation as pests.
 ===== Pseudo-Manticore Names ===== ===== Pseudo-Manticore Names =====
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 **Age.** A Pseudo-Manticore reaches adulthood at the age of 15 and on average live for 60 years. **Age.** A Pseudo-Manticore reaches adulthood at the age of 15 and on average live for 60 years.
-**Alignment.** Pseudo-Manticores are often chaotic evil, following in the steps of their monstrous precursors. However, their most horrible impulses have been tempered significantlyif not erased completely.+**Alignment.**  
 +  * ⚫ Pseudo-Manticores are often self-obsessed and power hungry, following in the steps of their monstrous precursors.  
 +  * 🔴 Pseudo-Manticores are often impulsiveemotional and violent.
 **Size.**  Pseudo-Manticores rarely grow taller than 3 feet, and weigh about 60 pounds. Your size is Small. **Size.**  Pseudo-Manticores rarely grow taller than 3 feet, and weigh about 60 pounds. Your size is Small.
campaign_settings/arcadia/races/pseudo-manticore.1623247985.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/06/09 14:13 by dick_jarvis

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