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campaign_settings:arcadia:races:hurok [2021/06/22 14:17] dick_jarviscampaign_settings:arcadia:races:hurok [2023/01/17 00:10] (current) dick_jarvis
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 **Age.** Hurok reach maturity at age 30, but their society does not consider them adults until they are 100 years old. There is no natural limit to their lifespan. **Age.** Hurok reach maturity at age 30, but their society does not consider them adults until they are 100 years old. There is no natural limit to their lifespan.
-**Alignment.** Hurok are overwhelmingly goodpreserving life wherever they canThey tend to be Lawfulvaluing the structure of society, but can also be neutral in their outlook.+**Alignment.** 
 +  * ⚪ Hurok maintain their ancient cities and churchestheir society built upon fundamental laws of equality. 
 +  * 🟢 Hurok were the first mortals introduced to Arcadiaand see themselves as stewards of the natural world.
 **Size.** Hurok average 6 feet in height, and weigh between 250 and 300 pounds. Your size is Medium. **Size.** Hurok average 6 feet in height, and weigh between 250 and 300 pounds. Your size is Medium.
campaign_settings/arcadia/races/hurok.1624371472.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/06/22 14:17 by dick_jarvis

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