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campaign_settings:arcadia:races:dunkles [2021/06/08 17:40] jarviscampaign_settings:arcadia:races:dunkles [2023/01/16 23:57] (current) dick_jarvis
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 <sub>Homebrew race for D&D 5th edition by Dick Jarvis</sub> <sub>Homebrew race for D&D 5th edition by Dick Jarvis</sub>
 The Pseudo-Sapiens of Arcadia were created by a long-forgotten civilization to dominate the emerging technological wonders of the world. Their creators are long dead, their own creations having survived them. The Pseudo-Sapiens have since dubbed themselves ‘Dunkles’, a much funnier name. The Pseudo-Sapiens of Arcadia were created by a long-forgotten civilization to dominate the emerging technological wonders of the world. Their creators are long dead, their own creations having survived them. The Pseudo-Sapiens have since dubbed themselves ‘Dunkles’, a much funnier name.
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 ==== Flesh and Blood Computing ==== ==== Flesh and Blood Computing ====
 +[{{ :campaign_settings:arcadia:races:dunkleanatomygif.gif|Dunkle facial anatomy}}]
 Dunkles are mostly biological beings; they eat, sleep, breathe, and reproduce like many other races. However, they also share many traits with Arcanichal Machinery. A Dunkle’s brain is surrounded by a calcified membrane, and has a very resilient physical makeup. Should a dunkle die, their intact brain can be removed and placed into another Dunkle body.  Dunkles are mostly biological beings; they eat, sleep, breathe, and reproduce like many other races. However, they also share many traits with Arcanichal Machinery. A Dunkle’s brain is surrounded by a calcified membrane, and has a very resilient physical makeup. Should a dunkle die, their intact brain can be removed and placed into another Dunkle body. 
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 ==== Dunkle Names ==== ==== Dunkle Names ====
 Dunkles adopt names that suit their overwhelming personalities. The names they choose are drastically different, and follow no set pattern. Some Dunkles are prone to changing their name (and entire identities) on a whim; those who do never have the same name for longer than a year. Dunkles adopt names that suit their overwhelming personalities. The names they choose are drastically different, and follow no set pattern. Some Dunkles are prone to changing their name (and entire identities) on a whim; those who do never have the same name for longer than a year.
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 **Age.** A Dunkle reaches maturity several weeks (sometimes months) after being born and their bodies can live for up to 200 years. Under the right storage conditions, your brain can be kept alive and preserved indefinitely.  **Age.** A Dunkle reaches maturity several weeks (sometimes months) after being born and their bodies can live for up to 200 years. Under the right storage conditions, your brain can be kept alive and preserved indefinitely. 
-**Alignment.** Dunkles are chaotic, their creative spirits drive them with total disregard for everything else+**Alignment.**  
 +  * 🔵 Dunkles are often obsessed with the acquisition of Knowledge. 
 +  * 🔴 Dunkles are impulsiveemotional creatures who may change their entire identity on whim.
 **Size.** Dunkles range in size from 4 to 5 feet tall, and weigh around 250lbs. Your size is medium. **Size.** Dunkles range in size from 4 to 5 feet tall, and weigh around 250lbs. Your size is medium.
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 **Synthetic Creativity.** You have proficiency in any two sets of Artisan’s Tools of your choice. **Synthetic Creativity.** You have proficiency in any two sets of Artisan’s Tools of your choice.
-**Languages.** You can speak, read, and write Common.+**Languages.** You can speak, read, and write Common and Rith.
campaign_settings/arcadia/races/dunkles.1623174013.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/06/08 17:40 by jarvis

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