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campaign_settings:arcadia:locations:history [2022/05/08 01:39] dick_jarviscampaign_settings:arcadia:locations:history [2023/10/10 18:39] (current) dick_jarvis
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 {{:construction_dunkle.png?400|}} {{:construction_dunkle.png?400|}}
 +=====The Arcanical Age=====
 +//**After the fall of Rithmandis, the secrets of their Arcanical technology spread across the ring.**//
-=====The Formative Era===== +=====The Age of Brine===== 
-The time between the creation of Arcadia and the Mortal Truce being broken.+//**The golden age of pirates, where [[campaign_settings:arcadia:races:zcohcuixodl|Rithmandis]] rises, threatening to dominate the world with futuristic technologies.**// 
 +=====The Age of Conquest===== 
 +//**The Dark Ages, when Dwarves were considered the dominant law on the ring, and other civilizations began carving out their place in the world.**// 
 +=====The Age of Dwarves===== 
 +//**When Dwarves ruled the ring, and other gods began to abandon the Mortal Truce.**// 
 +=====The Formation Era===== 
 +//**The time between the creation of Arcadia and the Mortal Truce being broken.**// 
 +Old draft
 **Unknown** - The Titans Emerge **Unknown** - The Titans Emerge
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 =====Age of the Dwarves===== =====Age of the Dwarves=====
-When Dwarves ruled the ring, and other gods began to abandon the Mortal Truce+
 **Morgenvoil** - Age of Dwarves 125  - The Volcanic Island Morgenvoil is named as the capital of Dwarvenkind. **Morgenvoil** - Age of Dwarves 125  - The Volcanic Island Morgenvoil is named as the capital of Dwarvenkind.
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 =====Age of Conquest===== =====Age of Conquest=====
-Also known as The Dark Ages, after the Dwarves were considered the dominant law on the ring, and other civilizations carved out their place in the world.+Also known as The Dark Ages, after the Dwarves were considered the dominant law on the ring, and other civilizations began carving out their place in the world.
 =====Age of Brine===== =====Age of Brine=====
campaign_settings/arcadia/locations/history.1651973978.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/05/08 01:39 by dick_jarvis

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